Curbing Disparities in Homicide

An 11 year old child was murdered by a deranged and delusional adult in DC.

DC kids are most certainly among American youth at highest risk.

How DC Kids Thrive, Amidst Greed

If people truly want these senseless homicides to stop, then they would simply run for office with a couple hundred friends who live across the country, and work together to outlaw gun manufacturing, sales, and marketing.

Firearms are the leading contributor to homicide.

But most people just don’t care enough to run for office to change the firearm laws, even if it means potentially more homicide that tend to impact their families.

Perhaps, so few people care about homicide because they so rarely impact most American families…

Despite the overall rarity of homicide, it’s no coincidence that the 8:1 gap in homicide rates by race directly reflects the 8:1 unemployment gap by race in cities like DC.

Where Health and Wealth Gaps Are Widest

Black Americans are 8 times more likely to be victims of homicide nationally, and concomitantly 8 times more likely to be unemployed in American cities like DC, versus the majority ethnic group.

It was well established that there were correlations between measurable levels of greed and crime.

Impact of Greed on Crime and Real Estate

However, for disparities in homicide rates and unemployment to be so eerily and closely aligned should be compelling enough to large employer organizations and wealthy families, to prompt a drastic shift in their philanthropy and human capital investments towards DC.

Again – but most large employers don’t give low wealth Americans job preferences in metropolitan areas like DC.

A New Spin on MBK Programs

Visit the Smithsonian museums to understand another perspective on American economic history.

Studying Economic History, from Family

The National Museum of African American History and Culture is especially eye-opening and relevant for anyone studying economic development vs the disparities.

Start at the bottom of the 7 floor building and walk slowly through the lowest level (C3).

The lowest level of the museum (C3), covers the period of American history when forced labor became more prominent and popular.

Forced unpaid labor was certainly the defining characteristic of American slavery.

While all people had a right to work, American “money” became a way to separate people by race.

Money, As a Purely Race-based Social Construct

More than 100 years of progress in America gradually changed this standard and basis upon which the economy was dependent.

“Peak Philanthropy” and Other Contributors to the Great Migration

Morality shifted due to the courageous work of people like Frederick Douglass, Lincoln, MLK, and countless others.

Morality + Economics = Synergistic Impact

There is really only one way to beat this dark legacy of American slavery, and beat the odds of succumbing to the 8x disparities by race that tie unemployment to homicide rates —> Get Paid!

High income is nice and standards exist to achieve it.

Only 4 Ways to Break Into Top 1% by Income

But until top earnings become available, don’t allow anything to delay income, creativity, and investments.

“Debt and Delay” – Not Worth the Risk

If American slavery was poignantly marked by unpaid labor, then a post slavery America would logically be marked by those would-be slaves now getting paid for their labor efforts, to invest yearly and build up enough personal wealth to hire others.

Edible Seeds: To Eat or Plant

At minimum, people from economically disadvantaged families might secure full-time employment with minimum wages, perhaps starting at the youngest ages possible.

Start with Minimum Wage

Conversely, anyone from a family of slavery descendants who chooses to delay income and maximum investments, is in effect willingly choosing to subject themselves to the economic and sociological disparities reminiscent of slavery.

People like Frederick Douglass were able to talk to lawmakers and wealthy profiteers from slavery, convincing some of them to see the wickedness that had become of American slavery.

People like Martin Luther King were able to secure the attention of the lawmakers many years later, through his great oratorical abilities, which ended in another draft of the Civil Rights Acts in the 1960s.

Take advantage of the fact that these great people were so effective.

Today, because of the sacrifice and talents of these historical giants, people globally have sought to live and work in America, particularly since 1965 and the work of MLK.

Amidst so much progress, unemployment gaps by race might be among the lasting living relics of a dark American past, with impacts ranging broadly, even correlating directly to the measurable racial gaps in homicides.

Each American might courageously take their role in solving these disparities.

Every American — rich and poor, immigrant and native — has a duty and moral obligation to solve and resolve these disparities.

Author: pH14 Plan Staff

pH14 Plan is an economic development model for all U.S. households' participation. You can support this research by subscribing for more access, or contact us to make a gift.

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