The Humanitarian Crisis at the Border (of the Gallery Place Metro Station)

Thousands of economically disadvantaged American young people are being arrested at busy subway stations, like Gallery Place, because they can’t afford a $200 monthly pass.

There’s a Great Wall that’s been built to obstruct migration domestically, within American cities: the public transportation turnstile.

In January 2018 alone, there were 2,000 people arrested at these DC turnstiles.

Inability to afford public transportation is a direct result of the racial disparity in unemployment which is widest in DC area.

Where Health and Wealth Gaps Are Widest

And the racial disparity in unemployment is a direct result of greed.

Impact of Greed on Crime and Real Estate

Greed is hitting new breakout levels.

Global Greed Rising, Only 2nd Time in Recorded History

Cities must support programs that aim to reduce social greed and close the unemployment gap by race in the places where the gap is widest.

How DC Kids Thrive, Amidst Greed

Full scholarship programs aren’t enough.

Shortcomings of Need-based Full Scholarships

Mentoring programs only go but so far.

Mentoring Works (until it doesn’t)

New MBK programs sponsored by the private sector should be conceived, encouraged, and supported.

A New Spin on MBK Programs

Real estate development and urban planning policy is a distraction and diversion from the work of getting these young people into full-time jobs, because real estate industry isn’t one of the largest employers of leaders from economically disadvantaged families.

Sectors Employing the Most Economically Disadvantaged People

Focused policy and program development on the sectors employing the largest number of leaders from economically disadvantaged families will be what more likely boosts employment among young people in American economically disadvantaged families.

Personally, make a commitment to dedicate resources (time and money) strategically aimed at solving this real crisis at the borders of where young adults from American economically disadvantaged families, must meet with the rest of American society.

Importantly, this is not a crisis in policing.

Law enforcement should continue arresting people who break the law. But there is no grand conspiracy among communities of economically disadvantaged American young people to defraud public transportation systems of monthly revenue.

Poor people don’t pay, because they can’t. They do not have the financial capital. The easiest fix to this crisis, is to simply and voluntarily commit personal resources to provide these young people with employment.

Author: pH14 Plan Staff

pH14 Plan is an economic development model for all U.S. households' participation. You can support this research by subscribing for more access, or contact us to make a gift.

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