Are you a manager in a big business with a budget? A manager in a government agency with a budget? Do you control millions of dollars in your own personal wealth?
Consider voluntarily instituting a workforce diversity program to personally or corporately sponsor an economic development.
Know the disparities by race in unemployment.
Know the disparities in access to full-time jobs.
Know the disparities in household financial net worth by race.
Know the laws that are constructed to correct these disparities.
CFR 124.104 is often discussed… but there are certainly other laws.
There are 5 million businesses with employees in the United States. The EEOC sets guidelines for how those employer businesses can initiate workforce diversity programs to eliminate the largest disparities by race.
Legal experts are weighing in with their opinions and recommendations.
Take the time and initiative with your team to review the EEOC compliance manual. In it, EEOC overtly “encourages” voluntary participation in Workforce diversity programs.
Strive to sponsor an economic development program, using EEOC’s recommendation to initiate a workforce diversity program.
Become a hiring manager in a big business who controls new hires and hiring programs.
Become a program manager in government where you are required to use budget to hire people to implement the agency mission.
Become a high net-worth individual by investing wisely over more than 10 years, to use your wealth once ready to invest into a business led by executive professionals who know how to implement workforce diversity programs.
Use the guidance from the EEOC to design an economic development program using the economic resources you have legal authority to control and direct. Talk with legal experts about how to implement the guidance issued by the EEOC pertaining to Workforce diversity programs.
We review with members the EEOC’s compliance manual, Section 15 of Title VII. Register to review.