Options John Schnatter Might Consider

Every few years, an ultra-HNW American gets caught saying something on a ‘hot mic’ they shouldn’t have said.

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Cultural Competency Training Won’t Boost Starbucks Stock Prices

Starbucks is a restaurant. A very successful American business that distributes and sells food products.

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Psychological Implications of Taxation

City leaders across the U.S. are wrestling with how to manage rising homelessness and poverty.

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Value of Business Partnership

Successful enterprises that stand the test of time are often the result of two people – where one side takes on risk to create something for the other, in exchange for ownership in the profits of the resultant product.

This is the fundamental essence of investing. The investor puts up their capital – be it human capital or financial capital – in exchange for a portion of the future profits.

Here’s one business example worth highlighting and celebrating, in the nation’s capital.

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