Economists and journalists alike, are having a field day playing with the data on wealth disparities.
Meanwhile, their research subjects go hungry and homeless as the level of concern nationally gradually rises.
It would be nice to see stronger recommendations, if indeed they’re serious about reducing the economic disparities.
Mentoring and recurrent themes of social integration are commonly their recommended ‘solution’ to wealth or income disparities.
Meanwhile in direct conflict to their recommendations, the economists themselves show data after data in their own studies that even after being in socially integrated settings – – even when students attend the same top tier schools and enjoy other similar luxuries afforded to high income families – – that economic outcomes in adulthood remain significantly different.
But, but, but… I thought mentoring and cultural assimilation were supposed to help? (Silly rabbit… tricks are for kids.)
Their data points LESS to the capability of certain American men, than it points to the unwillingness of American people of ALL ethnic backgrounds, to buy the products/services that certain American men are selling.
The conundrum applies in B2B, B2C, and B2G markets: the premise reigns supreme, that “Ice, sold by ANY one else, is colder”.
It suggests that American people inherently may have a bias against certain American men.
As a solution:
Opposed to fighting and forcing ‘integration’, let’s consider personally sponsoring programs that allow for these historically and presently economically oppressed American men to be funded to work independently.
Income is a social construct that by its nature, is dependent on TWO parties. We cannot MAKE money, legally. Instead, any monies are ‘given’, not “made”, and certainly can’t be “taken”.
What the data consistently and vividly shows is that Americans have chosen not to “give” money specifically to certain American men. Again, this is less a condemnation against this particular cohort of American men, than it is a condemnation against all Americans for our racial bias.
What can you personally do to reverse this historic trend? What programs can we implement, with other people who want to work together and collaborate to reverse this historic trend? What programs can you administer, and with whom can you establish partnerships?
It is possible that there is no escape from race-ism, and that it is even part of our biology. Government can impose penalties, but by its nature can’t prevent inherent biases.
Each of us must individually evolve our views on how we can personally sponsor effective economic development programs, that exist and thrive amidst and despite race-ism, opposed to trying to “solve” race-ism.
Yes, mentoring works… until it doesn’t. It stops working at the point at which low-wealth people need investment capital.
Laws can and should be reformed to penalize bias against people who have historically been oppressed in this country, and programs may be established to overcome the burden of bias (eg, preferential hiring and contracts). But recognize the inherent weaknesses of legislation: law doesn’t change the HEARTS of people. Morality can’t be legislated.
Versus exclusively forcing and fighting for inclusion, identify models that support productivity even amidst exclusion.
Don’t wait for law to evolve.
Personally commit to establishing your own philanthropic investment strategy that has the potential of lasting into perpetuity well beyond your lifetime.
Consider identifying a cohort of scholars from economically disadvantaged communities who independently conduct the R&D of potentially high value products and services.
Just $1 billion could be disbursed to 4,000 independent scientists in the form of $250k investments disbursed over 5 years… with profits being re-distributed back into the next generation of low wealth scientists and visionary leaders. Just $2 billion to 4k independent scientists in the form of a half a million dollar investments disbursed over 5 years, with a portion of prospective profits reinvested into the next generation of high achievers from low-wealth households.
Independently and quietly consider the value of making such philanthropic investments. If for no other reason, do it for your commitment to America, which is in need of your support now more than ever.