To Invest in Bitcoin or Stocks

Interest in bitcoin is surging to all time high levels.

To our surprise, it is most prominently in Africa!

For now, pH14 Plan only prefers to provide analysis on the stock market.

Stock market has exposure to any common currency

We study the stock market mostly because ‘stocks’ are shares of assets that make money, of any common currency. Big and successful companies will find every way to earn money, of any currency. By investing in companies, we gain exposure to the various markets where the company sell its products and services, no matter what currency is being used.

Our investment experience is in the stock market, not currencies

At pH14 Plan, most of our experience is in investing in the stock market. There are probably many mentors and coaches who teach about currency trading, but we do not.

We’re not experts in crypto currencies.

Unsure about security of exchanges

There’s lots we simply don’t know about crypto-currencies. While currencies are typically exchanged and traded at ‘forex’, we don’t know enough about the “exchanges” where currencies are bought and sold.

This is relevant issue for Bitcoin– Mt. Gox was actually hacked. Is that risk gone??? Not really sure. Would like to see fewer concerns over a longer term period.

unsure when I can buy from Walmart in Bitcoin

Another concern is ‘usability’ of the currency. Walmart is the largest employer in the United States.

If I can’t pay WalMart in such a currency, then what exactly can I buy, and when?

While we don’t understand bitcoin, we do understand stocks. And we’re probably not alone in our confusions about bitcoin: very few people who have actually bought Bitcoin, know anything about Bitcoin!


We can quickly explain what the “stock market” is

Our simple story line goes like this…

  1. Imagine owning a large apartment complex, and you sell off half your units. Taking your company “public” is the same way. People do it to raise money, and this is only the first way to raise money.
  2. If people like living in the apartments, then others will pay top dollar to live there. This is the 2nd way people amass wealth from stock markets – – through share price appreciation.

We literally taught a 9th grader this lesson in 2 minutes, upon discussing how Jeff Bezos amassed a $100B on a $1 salary.

Recently wrote it here too.

A $70B+ Net Worth, on a $100k Salary

However, if you bought bitcoin and made money, brag a little about how you made the money. Would love to celebrate your success.

Author: pH14 Plan Staff

pH14 Plan is an economic development model for all U.S. households' participation. You can support this research by subscribing for more access, or contact us to make a gift.

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