The pH14 plan author is economically disadvantaged, yet amidst economic obstacles completed BS, MS, and Doctorate degrees at three HBCU schools with focused training in health sciences, where an approach to resolve health disparities was adopted. Afterwards, he immediately began applying for jobs and contracts.
Within 3 years of graduating from the Doctorate program, he had developed an award-winning community health project, valued in the hundreds of millions of dollars, where he owned half of the profits.
Unfortunately, the customer terminated the contract. Numerous members of their staff affirmed he and his business partner were too “young”, “minority”, and generally were politically unfavorable. “They like who they like… If it ain’t broken, don’t fix it”, is what they were told, per the customer’s preference for a 25 year incumbent.
Going through this experience shifted our perspectives on household economics, and this lived experience redirected research and development priorities from resolving health disparities to eliminating wealth disparities.
pH14 plan is the direct result of the author’s desire and abilities to understand his plight within the context of national data, and develop a scalable plan to eliminate economic disparities amidst persistent unethical misbehavior among hiring managers and program managers.
May 12, 2012-Present, INDEPENDENT SCIENTIST, MBO Partners, Inc.
Full time, 40+ hours/week
In this role, I evaluate, develop, and manage programs, policies, and products for businesses and government agencies with a focus on health and wealth disparities.
Key Accomplishment: I’ve developed products and projects valued in the hundreds of millions of dollars, to improve the quality of health for different patient groups: children in foster care, law enforcement officers, Veterans, Medicaid beneficiaries, and others.
2008-2018, HEALTHCARE ANALYST, Pro Bono consulting
Part time
I work on government advisory boards advising on health policy and programs, I mentor students, I conduct R&D on economic development programs, and voluntarily use clinical skills at hospitals, pharmacies, and nursing homes.
2009-2011, PHARMACY STAFF, Rite Aid Pharmacies, DC
Part time
Worked at 10+ pharmacies in DC and MD, consulting patients on pharmacotherapy.
2005-2007, RESEARCH SCIENTIST, at GlaxoSmithKline, Durham, NC
Full time summer internship, then full time 18-month contract
1999-2005, SCIENTIST, grant funded by HHS NIH and the State of NC
Part time funded by NIH MBRS grants, at JCSU and UNCC
Full time funded by the State of NC, at NCCU
1999-2006, TUTOR + MENTOR, at JCSU + NCCU, Durham, NC
Part time
– Doctorate Degree, 2012, Howard University, DC
– Master’s Degree, 2006, North Carolina Central University, Durham, NC
– Bachelor’s Degree, 2003, Johnson C. Smith University, Charlotte, NC
– H.S. Diploma, 2000, Z. B. Vance High School, Charlotte, NC
Typical Labor Categories
Based on the project, I wear different hats, typically from one or concomitantly several of these labor categories.
Health Scientist,%20Except%20Epidemiologists&onetcode=19104200&location=District%20of%20Columbia
Economic Development Program Development Manager,%20Postsecondary&onetcode=25106300&location=District%20of%20Columbia
Software Developer and System Architect,%20Applications&onetcode=15113200&location=District%20of%20Columbia&onet=15113200
Financial Quantitative Analyst
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Please contact us, to make a gift. Your support for this research and program development is greatly needed and appreciated. The annual exclusion for gifts is $15,000 for the year 2020.